Essential Learning Tools

"tip" the involved parent
How to be involved at home and at school (K-12)
What does an involved parent do? (K-12)
Talking about schoolwork
Reading at Home
Good Study Habits
Homework Habits
Managing Time
Organizing School Work
Learning at Home Family Packet
Learning at Home Family Packet
Homework Sign & Set-Up
Put the sign on the table to designate a time and place for homework. Homework tips on the back/inside for parents. English/Spanish
Available in English/English or English/Spanish
"Tips" for parents to set-up homework area. English/Spanish
Welcome Letter & 8 Academic Bulletins
Custom letter and 8 bulletins to keep parents informed throughout the school year. A set of 8 bulletins for grades K-5/6, grades 6-8, and grades 9-12.
Parent Pack™
Parent Pack™ with custom letter, calendar, and bulletins
Monthly “tips”
Monthly "tip" cards with personalized introductory note